Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Romans 8:35, 38-39
Here are some pics from Christmas day.With their cousin, Ashley.Here are some pics from the day after Christmas. The boys loved playing with their cousins.Carissa in her strawberry getup. My mom made this for me when I was little. I recently found it and thought it would go great with the strawberry teaset we'd already gotten Carissa for Christmas. Carissa is holding the strawberry teapot (and the brush from her "purse").
This year I have given up on making decorated sugar cookies. For one, I'm just too lazy to roll out dough and then use cookie cutters. For two, Josiah can't have colored sugar or sprinkles and the naturally colored ones are really expensive. So, this year I decided to make some cookies that the boys could help with but do not require colored sprinkles. Here are what we have made so far.
I used the Toll House recipe for pan cookies and substituted carob chips since Josiah can't have chocolate. I also substituted white whole wheat flour for the all purpose flour.
This is a family recipe that I remember doing when I was a child. This recipe is similar to my grandmother's. The difference is we roll the cookies in cinnamon and sugar! I also used organic shortening and white whole wheat flour.
Here are some pics from Caleb's birthday. I can hardly believe that is was four years ago when we were surprised with Caleb 8 days before Christmas. I still remember family members saying, "But I've already finished Christmas shopping" when we told them we were getting Caleb. It was really hard that first year, but what a great Christmas surprise!!
Here are pics from Caleb's Christmas program and Happy Birthday Jesus party. Caleb was a little confused about who the bday party was for since it was actually on his own birthday.
Singing Jingle Bells.Hearing the Christmas story.With his best friend at school, Noah.Caleb's angel table decoration.
Here is our attempt at a gingerbread house this year. I think an engineer would say that it is structurally unsound. But it is still standing and the boys had fun!
This post is long overdue. Here are a few pics from our trip to Savannah in November. We were able to see the Boatrights, Moodys, Grosses, and Gilreaths, but with so many kids I don't think any of us got out our cameras. We'll have to do better next time.
Here are the boys watching a movie on the DVD player (which we said we would never get, but has been one of the best gifts) while their sister naps.
These are a select few of the blogs which I read on a regular basis. Banging It Out, Blaque Tulip, Not Unto Us, O Lord, & Pure Church are written by African-American men. I read these for a different perspective on issues. I do not neccisarily endorse their opinions. But I find that it broadens my perspective to think about issues from a different view. It is a kind of test of whether I'm thinking about an issue soly from a European-American perspective and not a Biblical one.
Top 25 in NBA History
1. Jordan
2. Lebron
3. Kareem
4. Wilt
5. Russell
(Wilt Chamberlain is forever embedded in the Top Five. To leave him out
would be like leaving Joe Louis ...
Reclaiming the Land
Many people in the developing world have no choice but to make a living as
subsistence farmers in extremely adverse conditions. In the West African
Revival 2K10
Yo from sunny Philly. It's been a long time and believe me a lots been
happening. Among them is an event that a few friends and I are putting
together thi...
East Point Church is Online!
East Point Church is online! And I could not be happier. Being a part of
the leadership for East Point Church is one of the greatest privileges of
my life....