Top 25 in NBA History
1. Jordan
2. Lebron
3. Kareem
4. Wilt
5. Russell
(Wilt Chamberlain is forever embedded in the Top Five. To leave him out
would be like leaving Joe Louis ...
4 months ago
The story of our family's journey
Last Sunday night we got our first good snow of the year. Monday the schools were closed so the kiddos had a fun day playing in the snow. It is hard to believe that was just last weekend and today it was almost 80!!
Last weekend my mother and brother visited. The boys love playing rough with Uncle Will.
In January, we took Josiah and Caleb, along with Ellie and Sam, to the Health Adventure for Caleb's 4th Bday. Here is the video from our adventure.
Here is my first attempt at a movie made from video I shot with my new camcorder. The kiddos, including Carissa, love watching it!