It has been quite a week around here. Josiah started with a runny nose from allergies last week. In spite of taking Singulair he woke up Tuesday with a cough and wheezy breathing. (Josiah was diagnosed with allergic asthma in May.) So we did a breathing treatment of Xopenex and off we went to Bible study. When I got him from the nursery he sounded worse. (Last time the treatments really worked and I could tell he was better after the first one.) Anyway, after round the clock treatments for 24 hours he wasn't better; he seemed worse. So, on Wednesday morning I dropped Caleb off at preshcool and took Josiah to the doctors office. The doctor listened to him and she said his chest was tight. She did another treatment in the office and prescribed an oral steroid for 3 days with round the clock breathing treatments. We left the doctors office, dropped off his prescription, and I fed Carissa in a park on the way to pick up Caleb from preschool.
I am so glad that Carissa is sleeping through the night because I don't know how I could have done feedings and treatments. Josiah was so medicated I felt so sorry for him. The treatments and steroid make him very hyper. But the Singulair makes him sleepy. So he would be bouncing off the walls then ten minutes later be asking to go take a nap. Anyway he is doing much better and has a checkup Tuesday morning.
On a different note, as we drove past a pet store yesterday Caleb asked to go there. Josiah answered him with "No, we just got a hamster and we have too many pets. We have a cat, two fish, and a hamster. And when all of us are big kids we are getting a dog. And that will be the last pet for YEARS." Chris and I were trying so hard not to laugh.
Top 25 in NBA History
1. Jordan
2. Lebron
3. Kareem
4. Wilt
5. Russell
(Wilt Chamberlain is forever embedded in the Top Five. To leave him out
would be like leaving Joe Louis ...
4 months ago